52 Critical Painters highlights artists pushing the practice of painting forward. Artists who have developed a voice, carved out a corner, imagined a vision, or set themselves apart.
Emily Gherard
Seattle based artist Emily Gherard creates subdued process-based work that reads as abstract landscapes, but which is actually rooted in figurative drawing.
Dan Gluibizzi
Dan Gluibizzi makes work that recontextualizes internet photography into chromatic groupings of anonymous bodies and faces.
Amir H. Fallah
Los Angeles based artist Amir H. Fallah constructs lush, vibrantly hued paintings populated by shrouded figures in shallow spaces.
Jean Nagai
Jean Nagai's paintings are interference patterns of bright hues that seem to move and vibrate.
Stephanie Pierce
Stephanie Pierce makes laboriously observed paintings from her immediate surroundings that feel glitchy, time-lapsed, and transitory.
Calvin Ross Carl
Calvin Ross Carl makes paintings that look like thick ropes of paint methodically built into graphically flat images of words or simple icons.