52 Critical Painters highlights artists pushing the practice of painting forward. Artists who have developed a voice, carved out a corner, imagined a vision, or set themselves apart.
Arvie Smith
Arvie Smith makes large scale phantasmagoric oil paintings that reference everything from American racial stereotypes, contemporary politics, historical events, to narrative and art-historical tropes.
Amy Bernstein
Amy Bernstein is an artist heavily invested in the process of painting. She makes paintings on large canvases, composed of lyrical brushstrokes on a painstakingly smooth layer of white gesso.
Ilana Zweschi
Ilana Zweschi makes process-based paintings that seek to disarm documents of propaganda and harmful pronouncements.
Adrienne Elise Tarver
Throughout her work, Adrienne Elise Tarver has finessed both material and subject matter in ways that matter here and now. She maintains a lush green, tropical color palette and her most recent exhibition addresses the myth of the exotic brown-skinned woman from a tropical paradise.
Kimberly Trowbridge
Kimberly Trowbridge’s paintings strike me as both carefully observed and strangely fantastical. She is a painter versed in Academic tradition and observational painting, and that critical eye is evidenced throughout her wide body of work.