52 Critical Painters highlights artists pushing the practice of painting forward. Artists who have developed a voice, carved out a corner, imagined a vision, or set themselves apart.
Anya Roberts-Toney
Anya Roberts-Toney is a painter of still lives, apparitions, feminine mystique, and cultural contradictions.
Howard Fonda
Portland artist Howard Fonda might best be descirbed as a painter-philosopher who uses his painting practice to contemplate themes of love, death, existence, and humanity.
David Schell
Portland artist David Schell makes paintings that utilize simple color and abstract forms to convey a discrete affect in each piece.
Amy Bernstein
Amy Bernstein is an artist heavily invested in the process of painting. She makes paintings on large canvases, composed of lyrical brushstrokes on a painstakingly smooth layer of white gesso.
Kate Greatmochi Bae
Kate Greatmochi Bae is an artist moving painting forward with her process-based peeled acrylic forms.
David Joel Kitcher
David Joel Kitcher uses intuitive mark making to construct abstract paintings, watching them unfold with each decision he makes.
Philippe Hyojung Kim
Philippe Hyojung Kim makes paintings and paint-made objects that get to the heart of paint-as-material, that gooey viscous stuff with which we make paintings.
Ilana Zweschi
Ilana Zweschi makes process-based paintings that seek to disarm documents of propaganda and harmful pronouncements.
Gabrielle Jones
Australian abstract artist Gabrielle Jones makes paintings that appear like wild bouquets of brushstrokes— energy coalescing into amorphous fleshy forms.